To configure “Cross-cell single sign-on” in the WebSphere 6.1 admin console with a Jython script, you can use the script below. This assumes that you’ve exported the keys from the server you are going to connect to.
import java.lang.String as jstr import java.util.Properties as jprops import as jio import as jmgmt keyfilepassword = "somepassword" # Import LTPA Keys; # This needs to happen so you can write to the Security file. keyFile = "C:/projects/custom-security/was61keys"; fin = jio.FileInputStream(keyFile); wasdev61keys = jprops(); wasdev61keys.load(fin); fin.close(); password = jstr(keyfilepassword).getBytes(); securityAdmin = AdminControl.queryNames('*:*,name=SecurityAdmin'); securityObjectName = jmgmt.ObjectName(securityAdmin); params = [wasdev61keys, password]; signature = ['java.util.Properties', '[B']; AdminControl.invoke_jmx(securityObjectName, 'importLTPAKeys', params, signature); # Save Config at the end.;