Well, if you made the mistake of putting decking down with stainless steel screws like I did, you may have run into this issue before. Either you didn't drill a decent pilot hole, or it was getting to be too hot, and you were in a rush, it doesn't matter. The bottom line is that …
Author: Tony Zampogna

I finally built a sandbox for the kids (just in time for winter, right?). I've been meaning to all summer, and planned to do it as soon as our landscaping was done in the back yard. It took longer than I thought to finish up the landscaping, and after that, there were a few other …
XSS Sanitizer Grails Plugin
Well, earlier this week I published my first Grails plugin. I'm hoping that people will find it useful to add a general security plugin to parse out, and prevent XSS attacks on their website. It's a long way from being done, but I think it's a good start. It uses OWASP's ESAPI to strip out …
While visiting the east coast recently, we found little salamanders like this one. They were a nice, bright orange.
Click event slow in Chrome and Safari
Well, I came across an interesting quirk. Click events in Chrome and Safari were taking a couple of seconds before they were being fired. It was quite the head scratcher. Here's essentially what I was doing: At first, I just changed the <a> tag to be a <span> tag, and that worked. But, I couldn't …
How to inject two or more dependencies with the same name
Let's say you have two services named UserService and both are included in your Grails classpath. This can happen, for example if you have a "core" package, and an "application" package that extends services from "core". Here's what that might look like in our case: Well, if you try to use "UserService" in your Grails …
Continue reading How to inject two or more dependencies with the same name
Turkey Vulture
This is a picture of a turkey vulture that landed outside the window of my office in downtown Minneapolis, MN.
The birds are back in town
It was a nice day today. Walking around the Como Lake, we saw all sorts of birds coming back from migration. There were loons, coots, mallards, and gulls. The red-winged blackbirds were in full chorus. One of the coolest things was a mature bald eagle that surprised us overhead. We stopped walking to take a …
How to pass the entire model to a template in Grails
One way to pass the model set in your view GSP is to use ${pageScope.variables}. Here's an example:
Grails resources plugin
I installed the Grails zipped-resources plugin on a new project the other day, and I noticed that by default it zips up everything it sends. This is fine, but when I tried to make it ignore the image files being served up, it wasn't obvious at first how to do that. Finally, I figured out …