XSS Sanitizer Plugin (v0.2) released

Well, after shamefully waiting over a year to do any kind of updates to this plugin, I've finally made some changes and merged in pull requests from others. Next steps are going to be fix some of the issues. Some great suggestions have come up in the Issues area on Github. In fact, I plan …

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How to inject two or more dependencies with the same name

Let's say you have two services named UserService and both are included in your Grails classpath. This can happen, for example if you have a "core" package, and an "application" package that extends services from "core". Here's what that might look like in our case: Well, if you try to use "UserService" in your Grails …

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How to setup a clustered Quartz scheduler in Grails 2.0.0

In my steps below, I'm using Grails 2.0.0 and Quartz 2.1.1. I'm also connecting to a local DB2 database. 1. Run "grails clean" on your application. 2. Add the "quartz-all-2.1.1.jar" and "c3p0-" (in the lib folder of your Quartz download) to your lib directory. 3. Right click on your Grails project and chose "Grails Tools …

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