Click event slow in Chrome and Safari

Well, I came across an interesting quirk. Click events in Chrome and Safari were taking a couple of seconds before they were being fired. It was quite the head scratcher. Here's essentially what I was doing: At first, I just changed the <a> tag to be a <span> tag, and that worked. But, I couldn't …

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How to inject two or more dependencies with the same name

Let's say you have two services named UserService and both are included in your Grails classpath. This can happen, for example if you have a "core" package, and an "application" package that extends services from "core". Here's what that might look like in our case: Well, if you try to use "UserService" in your Grails …

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Safari Not Working, But Firefox Does

I recently had a problem on my Macbook where Safari would stop working after a few minutes of connecting to the network, but other network applications, like Firefox, still worked. It was odd. Safari would just sit and hang. After some research, what ended up working for me was to create a new network profile. …

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Selecting Popup Windows in Selenium

This example shows how to start a Selenium Server and run a Selenium client in Java. The example opens up a popup window by clicking on the link in index.html. It then selects the popup window by first using the "name=popupWindowName" option for selectWindow. It then grabs the original window (using "name=null"). And, finally, it …

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Fixed: OpenOffice “Restore Windows” Popup

I tried starting Open Office on my Mac running 10.7.2, and I got this annoying popup window that won't go away. I click on "Don't Restore Windows" or "Restore Windows", and it just stays popped up. I found a solution though. 1) Force Quit your Open Office Application (Right-click holding the option key). 2) Open …

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How to setup a clustered Quartz scheduler in Grails 2.0.0

In my steps below, I'm using Grails 2.0.0 and Quartz 2.1.1. I'm also connecting to a local DB2 database. 1. Run "grails clean" on your application. 2. Add the "quartz-all-2.1.1.jar" and "c3p0-" (in the lib folder of your Quartz download) to your lib directory. 3. Right click on your Grails project and chose "Grails Tools …

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