This article is a guide to setup an Apache Cassandra cluster. The cluster runs on local CentOS virtual machines using Virtualbox. I use this to have a local environment for development and testing. Prerequisites It assumes you are using the following "software" versions. MacOS 10.11.3 Vagrant 1.8.5 Java 1.8.0 Apache Cassandra 1.2.2 Here are the …
Category: Programming
Setting up Python on Linux and using Virtualenv
I am writing this because I found out that there are a couple of different ways to install Python on a *nix based computer. I ran around in circles for a while before I figured it out. Basically, I realized this. In order to have multiple versions of Python A) Install the Python version and …
Continue reading Setting up Python on Linux and using Virtualenv
How to setup a basic SpringBoot application
I spent some time trying to figure out how SpringBoot worked recently. I thought I would document the steps I took to get a project up and running. Here is the final repository in Github. Setup Steps First, create a workspace. mkdir -p ~/projects cd ~/projects mvn archetype:generate -DgroupId=com.tonyzampogna -DartifactId=base-springboot-app -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-quickstart -DinteractiveMode=false cd ~/projects/base-springboot-app In …
Continue reading How to setup a basic SpringBoot application
How to setup a basic HBase cluster
This article is a guide to setup a HBase cluster. The cluster runs on local CentOS virtual machines using Virtualbox. I use this to have a local environment for development and testing. Prerequisites This setup guides assumes you have gone through the Hadoop Setup Guide and the Zookeeper Setup Guide. It assumes you are using …
How to setup a basic Hadoop cluster
This article is a guide to setup a Hadoop cluster. The cluster runs on local CentOS virtual machines using Virtualbox. I use this to have a local environment for development and testing. I followed many of the steps Austin Ouyang laid out in the blog post here. Hopefully, next I can document using moving these …
How to setup a basic ZooKeeper ensemble
This article is a guide to setup a ZooKeeper ensemble. I use this to have a local environment for development and testing. For Zookeeper to work, you really only need to configure a couple of things. The first is the zoo.cfg file, and the second is a myid file in the dataDir. See this link …
iOS Safari Enhancement
I have run into an odd issue with iOS Safari on the iPad recently. In the current application I am working on, we have a list of items that can be dragged and dropped on the page. This works great with the mouse. However, I run into issues when I start throwing the touchstart, touchmove, …
XSS Sanitizer Plugin (v0.2) released
Well, after shamefully waiting over a year to do any kind of updates to this plugin, I've finally made some changes and merged in pull requests from others. Next steps are going to be fix some of the issues. Some great suggestions have come up in the Issues area on Github. In fact, I plan …
XSS Sanitizer Grails Plugin
Well, earlier this week I published my first Grails plugin. I'm hoping that people will find it useful to add a general security plugin to parse out, and prevent XSS attacks on their website. It's a long way from being done, but I think it's a good start. It uses OWASP's ESAPI to strip out …
How to configure “Cross-cell single sign-on” in WebSphere with Jython
To configure "Cross-cell single sign-on" in the WebSphere 6.1 admin console with a Jython script, you can use the script below. This assumes that you've exported the keys from the server you are going to connect to.